In this series:
17 October 2013
"Tackling climate change and variability in Africa with local, indigenous and scientific knowledge" by Prof Dominic Kniveton
24 October 2013
"Food lives- tales from behind the kitchen door" by Dr Mary Brennan
31 October 2013
"Driving disease transmission models with climate models … where angels fear to tread?" by Prof Andy Morse
07 November 2013
"The effects of an ageing farm workforce in Vietnam" by Kenneth Howse
14 November 2013
"Food prices and agricultural development strategies in Africa’" by Prof Douglas Gollin
21 November 2013
"Fundamental population dynamics and its implications for understanding agricultural systems and technologies" by Dr Michael Bonsall
28 November 2013
"Making climate science usable: linking sources of risk knowledge and strengthening capacities to appropriately act on risk" by Emma Visman
05 December 2013
"Security from floods, food and the aged: insights from the Netherlands and Japan" by Dr Jeroen Warner