
The Oxford Martin School is a community of more than 200 academics based at the University of Oxford. Working in collaborative teams that cut across disciplines, they research complex, global issues that cannot effectively be understood and tackled by any single discipline alone.

We seek to make an impact through new approaches, scientific discovery, technological innovation and evidence-based policy recommendations.

3D Printing for Brain Repair
Oxford Martin Programme on 3D Printing for Brain Repair

African Governance
Oxford Martin Programme on African Governance

Ageing Populations
Oxford Institute of Population Ageing

Agile Initiative
The Agile Initiative at the Oxford Martin School

AI Governance Initiative
Oxford Martin AI Governance Initiative

Antimicrobial Resistance Testing
Oxford Martin Programme on Antimicrobial Resistance Testing

Biodiversity and Society
Oxford Martin Programme on Biodiversity and Society

Changing Global Orders
Oxford Martin Programme on Changing Global Orders

Cyber Security
Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre

Ethical Web and Data Architectures
Oxford Martin Programme on Ethical Web and Data Architectures

Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Food

Food Sustainability
Oxford Martin Programme on Food Sustainability

Future of Cooling
Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Cooling

Future of Development
Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Development

Future of Plastics
Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Plastics

Future of Work
Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Work

Global Development
Oxford Martin Programme on Global Development

Global Epilepsy
Oxford Martin Programme on Global Epilepsy

INET Oxford
Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School

Monitoring Ocean Ecosystems
Oxford Martin Programme on Monitoring Ocean Ecosystems

Net Zero Regulation and Policy
Oxford Martin Programme on Net Zero Regulation and Policy

Pandemic Genomics
Oxford Martin Programme on Pandemic Genomics

Rethinking Natural Resources
Oxford Martin Programme on Rethinking Natural Resources

Science & Society
Institute for Science, Innovation and Society

Systemic Resilience
Oxford Martin Systemic Resilience Initiative

Technological & Economic Change
Oxford Martin Programme on Technological and Economic Change

Wildlife Trade
Oxford Martin Programme on Wildlife Trade

Women’s Equality and Inequality
Oxford Martin Programme on Women’s Equality and Inequality

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