In this series:
14 October 2009
Seminar: Frances Colles, "The natural dynamics of Campylobacter colonising a free-range broiler breeder flock"
21 October 2009
Seminar: Robert Beardmore, "A Multiscale, Optimal Control Approach to Understanding Rational Antibiotic Use"
28 October 2009
Seminar: Deborah Cromer, "How fast could HIV impose selection on the human population?"
04 November 2009
Seminar: Joao Alpedrinha, Title TBA
11 November 2009
Seminar: Angela Brueggemann, "Vaccine escape among pneumococci"
18 November 2009
Seminar: Paul Wikramaratna, "Connecting populations: How life expectancy shapes antigenic diversity"
25 November 2009
Seminar: Claire El Moulden, "Group competition and the evolution of cooperation in humans"
02 December 2009
Seminar: Mike Bonsall, "Vectors, community structure and disease control"