In this series:
20 January 2010
Seminar: Dr Anders Sandberg, "The Enhanced Courtroom: Cognition enhancement and juror mental ability"
27 January 2010
Seminar: Carl Shulman, "Evolutionary pressures on the values of brain emulations or artificial intelligence"
03 February 2010
Seminar: Dr Robin Pierce, “Setting Margins for Therapeutic Justice: Circumscribing Consent”
03 February 2010
Seminar: Dr Jakob Elster, "The Brain and its Law"
10 February 2010
Special Seminar: Professor Sujoy Mukerji, "Decision making under ambiguous uncertainty"
17 February 2010
Seminar: Dr Neil Levy, "The role of consciousness in morally responsible action"
17 February 2010
Seminar: Dr Guy Kahane, "The Crippled Armchair: An Argument for Experimental Ethics"
24 February 2010
Seminar: Mark Sheehan, "Dealing in Pieces of Silver: Financial Inducements in Research"
24 February 2010
Seminar: Adrian Walsh, "Human Organ Sales as a Distinctive Moral Hazard"
10 March 2010
Seminar: Dr Shane Legg, "What can the architecture of the brain teach us about artificial intelligence?"
10 March 2010
Seminar: Professor Robin Hanson, “We Don't Donate To The Distant Future; Do We Care?”