In this series:
14 October 2009
Seminar: Professor Tom Buller, "Enhancement and the Extended Mind"
14 October 2009
Seminar: Dr Michele Loi, "Fairness, enhancements and lotteries"
21 October 2009
Seminar: Dr Steve Clarke, "Consequentialism, Coercion, and Salvation"
21 October 2009
Seminar: Professor Jacqueline Fox, "Hidden Rationing of Healthcare: An Ethical Dilemma"
28 October 2009
Seminar: Professor Michael Oppenheimer, "Negative Learning"
04 November 2009
Seminar: Professor Ingmar Persson, "Could liberal democracy cope with climate change?"
04 November 2009
Seminar: Dr Davinia Talbot, "Elegantly muddling through: on the ethics of learning curves in medicine"
11 November 2009
Seminar: Professor Janet Radcliffe Richards, "Consent: invalid invalidity"
11 November 2009
Seminar: Dr Anders Sandberg, "If it is bad, it is probably worse than you think": disasters and heavy tail distributions"
18 November 2009
Seminar: Dr Jason Blackstock, "Geoengineering the Climate: Technologies for rebalancing or reinforcing global inequity?"
18 November 2009
Seminar: Dr Toby Ord, "Moral uncertainty"
25 November 2009
Seminar: Dr Lene Bomann-Larsen, "Should parental freedom include a permission to enhance children?"
25 November 2009
Seminar: David Rhys Birks, "Wellbeing, Schizophrenia and Experience Machines"
02 December 2009
Seminar: Professor Thomas M. Powers, "Kantian humanism and human enhancement"
02 December 2009
Seminar: Alexandre Erler, "Is memory modification compatible with an authentic life?"