In this series:
19 October 2010
Seminar: Dr Rob Hope, "The paralyzed frog, water supply services and sustainable cities"
26 October 2010
Seminar: Professor Tim Dixon, "Sustainable Urban Development to 2050: Complex Transitions in the Built Environment of Cities"
02 November 2010
Seminar: Professor Sarah Harper, "Who will live in our future cities: exploring the implications of 21st Century demography"
09 November 2010
Seminar: Dr Mark Hinnells, "New business models for low-carbon cities"
16 November 2010
Seminar: Michael Keith, "Global migration and the future of le droit à la ville"
23 November 2010
Seminar: Dr David Howard, "Sustainable development and crime in the urban Caribbean"
30 November 2010
Seminar: Professor David Banister, "Transportation and the city"
01 December 2010
Seminar: Professor James Simmie, "Resilience and adaptation in city systems"