"Anthropogenic climate change, basic rights and shared duties" by Dr Derek Bell

Past Event

11 February 2014, 2:15pm - 3:45pm

Faculty of Law
St Cross Bldg, 10 Saint Cross Road, Oxford OX1 3UL

This lecture is hosted by the Oxford Martin Programme on Human Rights for Future Generations

Speaker: Dr Derek Bell, Reader in Environmental Political Theory, School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, Newcastle University

Summary: Dr Derek Bell has argued elsewhere that anthropogenic climate change poses a serious threat to the basic rights of current and future persons. In this lecture, he will examine the moral implications of this rights-based approach to climate change. In particular, he will defend an account of the shared climate duties that follow from a minimal negative conception of basic rights. He suggests that the structure of this account may help us to think about our duties in other cases where the cumulative effects of our acts pose a serious threat to basic rights.

Venue: Seminar Room D, Faculty of Law, St Cross Building