This event is co-hosted by the Oxford Martin Programme on Human Rights for Future Generations and OxHRH
Speaker: Prof. Sigrun Skogly, Lancaster University Law School
Professor Skogly addresses the question as to how far states’ extraterritorial human rights obligations go in terms of international cooperation and assistance. She questions whether there is an obligation to provide international assistance, and if so what the legal and moral foundations for such obligations may be. She further addresses the content of extraterritorial human rights obligations in international assistance and cooperation whether there are obligations to provide assistance or not. She will argue that the current developments in international human rights law are increasingly accepting of shared and extraterritorial obligations, and that this concept is of essence if implementation of human rights standards shall have any real prospects. Professor Skogly will base he presentation on recent developments in human rights law, including the Maastricht Guidelines on States Extraterritorial Obligations in the area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, recent developments within the UN human rights committees, and the contributions by UN Special Rapporteurs.
Location: Senior Common Room, Faculty of Law, St. Cross Building