Conference: "Bellagio Dialogue on Migration: Migration and Development Challenges: Perspectives from the South"

Past Event

10 July 2006, 1:00am 13 July 2006 - 1:00am


his conference sets out to provide a forum for South-South exchange. Government officials, representatives of migrant associations and migration researchers will examine and compare successful migration models developed by southern governments and civil society organizations.

Key themes:

- Compare the experience of major migration systems: migration researchers from Mexico, Morocco, Turkey, India and the Philippines will assess regional migration experiences and their implications for economic and social development.

- Consider transnational connectivity as a process and what it means for development. Sessions will explore migration and development linkages, such as preventing abuse and exploitation of migrants, effective use of remittances, countering loss of scarce skills, and mobilizing transnational communities to support homeland development.

– Engines of growth – participants will examine actors, empowerment and levels of action in different migrant contexts.

- Develop ideas for action: building South-South networks for communication and collaboration on migration and development; defining common problem between governments and civil society; improving cooperation between governments, migrant associations, and other civil society organizations, and improving linkages among research, policy, and social action.