Conference: World Wide Science: The Promises, Threats and Realities of e-Research

Past Event

31 May 2007, 1:00am 01 June 2007 - 1:00am

Oxford University e-Science Laboratory
7 Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3QG

In June 2007, academics from across the globe came together at the e-Horizons conference to discuss and shape the e-Horizons publication. This was initially entitled World Wide Science: The Promises, Threats and Realities of e-Research and was later re-titled: World Wide Research: Reshaping the Sciences and Humanities. The book was edited by the Directors of the e-Horizons Project: Professor William Dutton and Professor Paul Jeffreys. It is available from major book stores, including Amazon, Blackwells bookstore and Waterstones.

E-research will transform not only how scientists, humanists and other researchers do their work, but also what they will discover, with whom they will collaborate, how they will share work, how they will report their findings, and what 'know-how' they will require. The conference focused on how emerging technologies will reshape not only how researchers do what they do, but also the outcomes of their work as they 'reconfigure access' to networks of information and expertise in the sciences and humanities on local and global scales. What are these new technologies of e-research, how are they being applied, and what are the implications for the ethical, legal and institutional structures and processes of research across multiple disciplines?