"Generative models of networks’" by Prof Richard Wilson

Past Event

19 February 2013, 1:30pm - 3:00pm

Said Business School
Park End Street, Oxford OX1 1HP

This seminar is organised by the Oxford Martin Programme on Complexity and the CABDyN Complexity Centre

Speaker: Professor Richard Wilson, Professor of Pattern Analysis, Department of Computer Science, University of York

Summary: Graphs and networks are becoming increasingly important representations of data in a wide range of fields including engineering, neuroscience, social sciences, chemoinformatics and bioinformatics. This is because they give a natural representation to connections, relationships and interactions. One of the key questions that arises is how to model such networks. In this talk Richard will give an overview of some well known and some more recent attempts to model the structure of graphs and networks. In particular he will focus on recent attempts to construct a
generative model for graphs which can be learnt from data. He will explain how simple models can be learnt and discuss the difficult issue of controlling model complexity. Finally He will mention some possible future directions for this approach.

For further information please contact the Cabdyn Administrator: info.cabdyn@sbs.ox.ac.uk, 01865 288785

Sandwiches and drinks will be provided