International Workshop on Genethics in East Asian and Western Contexts, Hong Kong

Past Event

10 December 2007, 1:00am 12 December 2007 - 1:00am


Venue: Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

Abstract: Jointly organized by the Program on the Ethics of the New Biosciences, James Martin 21st Century School, Oxford University & Centre for Applied Ethics, Hong Kong Baptist University.

Rapid advances in the science and technology of genetics have profound implications for human life. Genetic technology will not only change the way we live but it also has the potential to shape and change the nature of the human species in the future. Given the potential risks involved in the development and use of genetic technology, there is great need for careful examination of the ethical issues arising out of them. While there have been ample ethical discussions in this regard from the viewpoints of East Asian and western societies, cross cultural discussions between the two cultures have been comparatively sparse. This workshop takes up this challenge by bringing together leading bioethicists from both cultures.