Public Lecture: Prof Ronald Skeldon, "Beyond migration and development"

Past Event

23 February 2012, 1:00pm - 2:30pm

Queen Elizabeth House
Oxford Department of International Development, 3 Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3TB

This seminar series is hosted by the International Migration Institute, an Oxford Martin Institute

Speaker: Professor Ronald Skeldon, Professorial Fellow in Geography, Department of Geography, University of Sussex

Venue: Seminar room 3, Queen Elizabeth House

Summary: This lecture will examine where the debate on migration and development has come from and where it might be going, taking account of both academic and policy approaches. The mantra of evidence-based policy will be set against interpretations and information drawn from the migration and development debate, with specific examples taken from remittances, skilled migration and diasporas. The role of current international institutions in the proposed management of migration will be considered as well as speculations made on their future.

Please note that this lecture is starting at an earlier time to previous seminars and is in room 3.