This seminar is hosted by The Oxford Centre for Tropical Forests
Summary: Forests are important to climate change adaptation and mitigation, but in most countries, this must be balanced against wider pressures on land use to meet the needs of human populations. British forests are relatively small in area, fragmented and they have been altered by centuries of management. My talk will look at how this affects carbon sequestration and storage and the conservation of biodiversity in a changing climate. I will set this in the context of national climate change policy and what lessons can be learnt internationally.
Speaker: Dr Mike Morecroft, Head of Profession for Climate Change, Natural England
Biography: Mike Morecroft is a Senior Visiting Research Associate of SoGE. Prior to joining Natural England in 2009, he worked at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology at Wallingford and has carried out research on a wide range of climate change issues. His present focus is on developing climate change adaptation and mitigation across the full range of habitats and landscapes but he has a long-standing interest in forests and has led a number of major projects at Wytham Woods, just outside Oxford.