Seminar: Luis Meneses, "Is Amazonia ready for REDD?"

Past Event

11 November 2010, 2:15pm

School of Geography and Environment
South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QY

Luis Meneses, REDD consultant (Acre State Government & Governor’s Climate Forest Task Force)

Luis will bring his wealth of experience of working on REDD issues in Brazilian Amazonia to provide a perspective on the complexity of making REDD a successful conservation mechanism in the Amazon forests within a multi-scale governance structure: from projects to sub-national programmes and a national regime.

Luis Meneses graduated in Agronomy Engineering from the University of São Paulo in 1993 and has a postgraduate degree in agroforestry from CATIE, Costa Rica. He has lived in the southwestern Amazon since 1994, working as professor and researcher at the Federal University of Acre. He worked for two years as Planning Coordinator for the Government of Acre. From 2001 to 2006, he was head of the Amazon Program of WWF Brazil, dealing with issues such as protected areas, sustainable forestry and environmental policy. Since 2007, Luis Meneses has been working as consultant on Environmental Services, especially REDD, for several organisations such as Acre State Government, Governor’s Climate Forest Task Force, GTZ, IUCN, WWF, GTA (Amazon Civil Society Network) and CCBA (Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance).

All welcome. To register, please go to