This Seminar Series is organised by the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing
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About the speaker
Asghar Zaidi is Professor in International Social Policy at University of Southampton (UK) where his research spans active and healthy ageing and well-being of older people. Since 2012, he has led the research work in the Active Ageing Index Project of the UNECE/European Commission. During 2013, in collaboration with HelpAge International, he developed the Global AgeWatch Index, the first ever index to measure the well-being of older people on a worldwide scale. Visiting Professor at London School of Economics and Senior Advisor at European Centre Vienna, Dr. Zaidi was previously Senior Economist at OECD in Paris. He has served as an economic adviser for the UK’s Department for Work and Pensions and as a research officer at the London School of Economics and University of Oxford. An expert advisor to WHO’s Centre for Health Development in Japan, he advised in developing indicators for WHO’s network of Age-friendly Cities. Currently, he is leading a project on dementia in Pakistan (funded by Age International and Alzheimer Disease International) and a project on human rights of older persons (funded by the British Council Islamabad). He is also an academic consultant at Age UK London in their research on constructing the Well-being in Later Life Index. He is on the advisory panel of UNDP’s Human Development Report for 2017.