'Who is acting for what change? A relational approach to transnational engagements of Afghans in Britain and Germany ' with Carolin Fischer

Past Event

03 February 2016, 2:00pm - 3:00pm

Queen Elizabeth House
Oxford Department of International Development, 3 Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3TB

This is part of the International Migration Institute's Hilary Term Seminar Series, Migration, politics and political change

Speaker: Carolin Fischer, Université de Neuchâtel

Summary: This seminar investigates why Afghans in the wider diaspora take action in certain ways. It builds on the analysis of transnational activities and different ‘spheres of engagement’ (Van Hear 2015). With the help of qualitative data obtained through in-depth interviews and participant observation Carolin will first explain how informants come to direct their activities towards certain spheres of engagement and how these engagements implicate ideas of change.

In a further step she will use her findings to discuss the notion of diasporas as agents of change. She will show how relational sociology helps to specify the structuring effects of the social context of my informants. In particular, she identifys enabling and constraining structures and explore how informants exercise agency and creatively use available resources by taking action in one or several spheres of engagement. The relational approach disentangles the effects and variabilities of multi-layered structures and thus develops a more precise understanding of why people engage with their home countries in certain ways and what forms of agency are involved if people take action.

Sandwiches will be provided

For further information visit www.imi.ox.ac.uk or contact: Ali R. Chaudhary; ali.chaudhary@qeh.ox.ac.uk t. 01865 281 706 or Marieke van Houte; marieke.vanhoute@qeh.ox.ac.uk t. 01865 281 726