World Wide Science: The Promise of e-Research Across the Disciplines

Past Event

31 May 2007, 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Oxford University e-Science Laboratory
7 Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3QG

Abstract: Oxford Professors Denis Noble, Martin Kemp and Jonathan Zittrain will illustrate, through their own work, how e-research can enable new forms of collaboration, visualization and data collection in the sciences and humanities. This event, which is open to the pubic, will launch an invited conference on World Wide Science: The Promise, Threats and Realities of e-Research, which is being supported by the e-Horizons Institute, part of the James Martin School of the 21st Century, in collaboration with the Oxford e-Research Centre and the Oxford Internet Institute. Is e-research presenting the sciences, law and the humanities with new opportunities? What are they?