Creating a climate for change: counting down to the 2015 UN climate negotiations

21 January 2015

Portrait of Professor Jim Hall

with Professor Jim Hall
Professor of Climate and Environmental Risks

Professor Jim Hall FREng is Professor of Climate and Environmental Risks in the School of Geography and the Environment, Lead Researcher on the Oxford Martin Programme on Transboundary Resource Management, a Senior Research Fellow in the Department o...

Portrait of Professor Nathalie Seddon

with Professor Nathalie Seddon
Professor of Biodiversity

Nathalie Seddon is Professor of Biodiversity in the Department of Biology at the University of Oxford. She has broad interests in understanding the origins and maintenance of biodiversity and its relationship with global change. Nathalie trained as a...

Portrait of Professor Malcolm McCulloch

with Professor Malcolm McCulloch
Professor of Energy Systems

Malcolm McCulloch is a Professor of Energy Systems and Group Leader of the Energy and Power Group at the University of Oxford. His interests are in the area related to the domestic energy sector, development of user centric demand side management tec...

Oxford Martin School academics take a look at some of the major issues on the table in 2015's global climate negotiations, ahead of our 'Creating a climate for change' seminar series, starting 22 January 2015.

Visit our events page for full details of the seminars.