Renewable energy is a strong component in the race to mitigate climate change, and solar power is a particularly cheap and viable green energy option. Considering current technologies, cost, markets and infrastructure, Professor Henry Snaith, Co-Director of the Programme on Solar Energy: Organic Photovoltaics, and Professor Malcolm McCulloch, Head of the University of Oxford’s Electrical Power Group and Co-Director of The Oxford Martin Programme on Integrating Renewable Energy, will debate whether solar is indeed the answer to the urgent question of irreversible climate change.
"Powering the world: can solar energy tackle climate change?" with Prof Malcolm McCulloch & Prof Henry Snaith
23 October 2015
with Professor Malcolm McCulloch
Professor of Energy SystemsMalcolm McCulloch is a Professor of Energy Systems and Group Leader of the Energy and Power Group at the University of Oxford. His interests are in the area related to the domestic energy sector, development of user centric demand side management tec...