Panel Discussion: "Towards COP27: moving forwards after COP26"

28 January 2022

Portrait of Professor Myles Allen

with Professor Myles Allen
Professor of Geosystem Science

Myles Allen is Head of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics in the Department of Physics, University of Oxford, and Professor of Geosystem Science in the School of Geography and the Environment. His research focuses on how human and natural inf...

Portrait of Dr Nicola Ranger

with Dr Nicola Ranger
Director, Global Finance and Economy Group, ECI and Senior Research Fellow

Dr Nicola Ranger is a Senior Research Fellow at the Environmental Change Institute. She is also Executive Director of the Oxford Martin Programme on Systemic Resilience and a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for New Economic Thinking of the Ox...

At the end of 2021, the world looked with great expectation towards Glasgow for the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference, COP26.

Attended by Heads of States, academics, activists, policy makers and journalists, COP26 was the largest COP to date, with perspectives on its merits and failures varying wildly. Now that the dust has settled, we present the key outcomes from the conference, assess how close they bring us to keeping the limit of 1.5C within reach, and explore what those decisions mean for those affected by and implementing them. Further, with COP27 on the horizon, we also ask what role COPs might take post-Glasgow, and how they might adapt to more inclusively and effectively tackle the task.

Join us as our panel of academics share their thoughts after attending COP26 and look forward to what it means for COP27 and the world over the coming years.


  • Professor Myles Allen, Director, Oxford Net Zero
  • Dr Cécile Girardin, Technical Director, Nature Based Solutions Initiative
  • Professor Benito Müller, Managing Director, Oxford Climate Policy
  • Professor Nicola Ranger, Head of Climate and Environmental Analytics, Oxford Sustainable Finance Group
  • Dr Steve Smith, Executive Director, Oxford Net Zero (chair)

This talk is in conjunction with the Smith School of Enterprise and Environment, Oxford Net Zero, Oxford Climate Research Network & Oxford Climate Society.