In this series:
11 October 2018
'Health economics of integrated care: another response to an ageing population' with Apostolos Tsiachristas
18 October 2018
"Good care at home for older adults in Singapore: ethical, practical and policy dimensions" with Dr Mike Dunn
25 October 2018
"Trends in emergency hospital admissions: age, cohort and period effects" with Raphael Wittenberg
01 November 2018
"Population ageing and implications for future end of life care provision" with Anna Bone
08 November 2018
"Untangling the Gordian Knot: in pursuit of person-centred, integrated care for ageing populations" with Dr Caroline Potter
22 November 2018
"The problem of understanding multi-morbidity in the elderly" with Alan Silman
29 November 2018
CANCELLED "Sustainable care for old age: the long-term care system in Japan. What can England learn?" with Nina Hemmings