How is the technology behind driverless cars designed and implemented? How does an autonomous vehicle interpret a complex and dynamic real world environment, and what are the ethical and social implications of taking humans out of the equation? Dr Ingmar Posner, Associate Professor in Information Engineering at the University of Oxford, looks at the current climate and future challenges of implementing autonomous transport.
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About the speaker
Ingmar Posner is an Associate Professor in Information Engineering. He leads the perception and planning work within the University of Oxford's Mobile Robotics Group. His expertise lies in the design and implementation of machine learning methods that enable an autonomous agent to interpret complex, dynamic environments in a way which permits robust decision-making, planning and exploration online and in real-time.
Ingmar’s expertise tackles questions such as: what semantic information can be inferred about the environment the robot has traversed (e.g. what type of structures, what objects can be found? What type of terrain is it travelling on?) and how this knowledge can feed into the decision making process of an autonomous agent. In this domain he has advanced research with contributions to premier international conferences and journals. His track record includes award winning work on semantic mapping, active perception and 3D reconstruction. Following an invitation as a visiting researcher to MIT the work he led there on active perception was awarded a Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS). Two of his recent publications have been invited to the Best Paper track at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI).
Posner has served twice as area chair of Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS), the premier international robotics conference, as Associate Editor for the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS). He convened and organised the 2013 Oxford International Summit on Robotics.