Seminar: Professor José Luis Pérez Triviño, "Altruism: some analytical remarks"

Past Event

16 June 2010, 4:00pm - 6:00pm

Lecture Theatre, Oxford Martin School
34 Broad Street (corner of Holywell and Catte Streets), Oxford, OX1 3BD

Abstract: One of the central aspects in the analysis of genocides is the role played by the “rescuers”, those who helped to save the life of some potential victims. The problem in this analysis lies in classifying the different acts of salvation, as it seems clear that they cannot all be placed in the same category. For this purpose I will use three criteria (motivation, sacrifice and success) which will result in 8 different types of saviours. Beyond this taxonomic interest, this classification is useful when it comes to attributing different moral valuations to the acts of salvation.

Professor Jose Luis Perez Trivino is associate professor at Pompeu Fabra University. He has a Law Degree and a Philosophy Degree and Magister in “European Studies”, and he currently is Associate Professor at Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona.

He had been working in the notion of sovereignty and more recently in the philosophical analysis of the concepts genocide and dignity. His latest research topic is human enhancement and its impact in sports.

He has published many articles in Spanish and international journals and he wrote some books: "Los limites juridicos al soberano" ("The legal limits of sovereing"), "La letra escarlata: castigos avergonzantes y dignidad" ("The Scarlett Letter: shameful sanctions and dignity"), "Los juicios de Nuremberg" ("The Nuremberg Trials") and "Sobre la dignidad humana y otras cuestiones juridico-morales" ("On human dignity and other legal and moral problems"). He also has given conferences at different Spanish, Italian and South American universities.