This seminar is hosted by the Institute for Science, Innovation and Society
Can efforts to curb emissions of climate change-causing pollutants other than CO2 help to solve the climate problem?
Summary: Black carbon and other short-lived climate forcers (SLCFs) contribute to climate change and global warming. Recently, a consortium of nations—not including the UK—has announced an international initiative to curb emissions of SLCFs through a broad set of policy initiatives. These actions are intended to have significant impacts on reducing local air pollution, and many are expected to bring economic benefits. But what about their impacts on climate change and CO2 emissions negotiations? This seminar will address the potential of SLCFs in combating climate change, the proposed pitfalls of such a strategy, as well as the political motivations behind it and what it all means for climate governance moving forward.
- Dr Kevin Hicks, Research Associate, Stockholm Environmental Institute, University of York
- Professor Myles Allen, Head, Climate Dynamics Group, Department of Physics, University of Oxford
- Durwood Zaelke, Director, International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (INECE)
- Tom Spencer, Executive Director, European Centre for Public Affairs
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