Symposium: "Human Enhancement"

Past Event

23 November 2011, 7:00pm - 9:00pm


This symposium will be held at E.P Abraham Lecture Theatre, Green Templeton College, Oxford.

Humans have always sought to enhance themselves and their performance. Examples include education, the drinking of coffee, and the choice of reproductive partners whose genes are perceived to be desirable. But now, and increasingly, technology allows for enhancement of a kind and to a degree that call into question the definition of an individual and the relationship of 'enhanced' persons to 'non-enhanced' persons and to society generally. If person X takes a substance that increases his IQ by 100 points still person X? If the enhancing substance is not available to everyone, what are the political consequences? Is there anything wrong with the use of performance enhancers in sport? What about drugs that improve performance in university examinations? Is it desirable or practicable to ban enhancements of all types?

These and related questions will be addressed by some of the world's most eminent experts in the field.


Registration: All are welcome. There is no need to register, and no charge. Enquiries to