"The effects of migration on children and the elderly left behind in Moldova and Georgia" by Dr Melissa Siegel

Past Event

31 October 2012, 2:00pm - 3:00pm

Queen Elizabeth House
Oxford Department of International Development, 3 Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3TB

This seminar is hosted by the International Migration Institute, an Oxford Martin School Institute

Speaker: Dr Melissa Siegel, Assistant Professor and Migration Studies Program Manager, Maastricht Graduate School of Governance, Maastricht University

Biography: Melissa Siegel currently works as an Assistant Professor and Migration Studies Program Manager at the Maastricht Graduate School of Governance where she is the head of the Migration research group, manages several migration research projects and coordinates the Migration Studies Specialization. Currently she manages the IS Academy on Migration and Development for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the IOM Afghanistan Migration Profile and New Data Collection, the evaluation of the “Blue Birds” circular migration pilot of the Dutch Government and the EuropeAid (EC) Project on the Effects of Migration on Children and Elderly Left Behind in Moldova and Georgia. She is also involved in the Volkswagen Foundation Project Europe’s Global Linkages and the Impact of the Financial Crisis: Policies for Sustainable Trade, Capital Flows, and Migration. She has field research experience in Ethiopia, Burundi, Afghanistan, Moldova, Georgia, Morocco and Surinam and has expertise in designing, implementing and analyzing individual and household surveys.

For further information please contact Agnieszka Kubal (agnieszka.kubal@qeh.ox.ac.uk; 01865 281812)