This seminar is hosted by the Oxford Programme for the Future of Cities, an Oxford
Martin School Programme
Speaker: Martin Lundsteen, Visiting Academic, COMPAS, University of Oxford
Subject: Martin will be talking about his research on: “An approach to processes of territorialisation, gentrification and spatialisation of class and race in a small town in the north of Catalonia”.
Biography: Martin is a PhD candidate at the Department of Social Anthropology and History of America and Africa at the University of Barcelona, Spain. He finished his BA in Cultural Studies at the University of Roskilde, Denmark, in 2008 and his MA in Anthropology and Ethnography at the University of Barcelona in 2010. His main study interests are the social relations bound in ethnic, national or racial affiliations and their economic and political groundings, along with a special attention to spatial and temporal processes.
His PhD research, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education, deals with social conflicts and conviviality in Catalonia, Spain, with a special focus on coexistence and conflicts, by means of which he wants to understand how cultural diversity can be understood in relation to contemporary social conflicts. The main concern is to understand why in recent times social conflicts are often described as cultural conflicts.
As part from this, he has an interest in understanding the local-global connections and how to conceive of them methodologically, and is also very interested in urban anthropology, religion, Islam, Islamophobia, social politics and the politics of culture.
Venue: Institute for Science, Innovation and Society, 64 Banbury Road, Oxford
If you would like to join the group and share your research please contact Ebru Soytemel: