Scientific Data
Lizana, J., Miranda, N.D., Sparrow, S.N. et al. Ensemble of global climate simulations for temperature in historical, 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C scenarios from HadAM4. Sci Data 11, 578 (2024).
View Journal Article / Working PaperLarge ensembles of global temperature are provided for three climate scenarios: historical (2006–16), 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C above pre-industrial levels. Each scenario has 700 members (70 simulations per year for ten years) of 6-hourly mean temperatures at a resolution of 0.833° ´ 0.556° (longitude ´ latitude) over the land surface. The data was generated using the (CPDN) climate simulation environment, to run HadAM4 Atmosphere-only General Circulation Model (AGCM) from the UK Met Office Hadley Centre. Biases in simulated temperature were identified and corrected using quantile mapping with reference temperature data from ERA5. The data is stored within the UK Natural and Environmental Research Council Centre for Environmental Data Analysis repository as NetCDF V4 files.