Evaluating the feasibility of pangolin farming and its potential conservation impact

01 August 2019

Global Ecology and Conservation

Daniel W.S.Challender, Michael'tSas-Rolfes, Gary W.J.Ades, Jason S.C.Chin, NickChing-Min Sun, Ju lianChong, Ellen Connelly, Lisa Hywood, Sonja Luz, Rajesh K.Mohapatra, Paulde Ornellas, Keri Parker, Darren W.Pietersen, Scott I.Roberton, Gono Semiadibo, Debbie Shaw, Chris R.Shepherd, PaulThomson, Helen C.Nashbu

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Pangolins are threatened by overexploitation for local and international use. They are subject to an international commercial trade ban, and are also the focus of other interventions, including attempts at commercial captive breeding. The impact that the latter could have on the conservation of wild populations deserves consideration. We critically evaluate the feasibility of commercial captive breeding (or farming) of pangolins to displace wild collection and assess its potential conservation impact on pangolin conservation using a recently published framework developed for this purpose.