'The role of a global multilateral development bank in the world today' with Dr Samuel Maimbo

11 June 2024

Portrait of Dr Nicola Ranger

with Dr Nicola Ranger
Director, Global Finance and Economy Group, ECI and Senior Research Fellow

Dr Nicola Ranger is a Senior Research Fellow at the Environmental Change Institute. She is also Executive Director of the Oxford Martin Programme on Systemic Resilience and a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for New Economic Thinking of the Ox...

The world is confronted with an unprecedented level of political, economic, and social unrest with increasing divergence of views on the causes and appropriate response.

At the same time, multilateral development banks continue to seek and sustain common grounds for sustainably financing development outcomes for economies and peoples across the world.

In this talk, Dr Samuel Munzele Maimbo, Vice President for Budget, Performance Review and Strategic Planning at the World Bank, will share a practitioner’s perspective on the challenges of navigating the current global environment for a global development institution.

With more questions than he has answers, Dr Maimbo will draw on his recent 5-year experience as Chief of Staff to two World Bank Presidents, Director for the International Development Association, Senior advisor to two World Bank Group Chief Financial Officers and as well as his current role for the discussion; to explain why he remains optimistic.

This was a joint event with the Oxford Martin Programme on Systemic Resilience.