

Major European Research Council Synergy funding win for economic inequality project

Professor Brian Nolan, of the Department of Social Policy and Intervention and Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School, has been announced today as one of the winners of a prestigious European Research Council Synergy grant.

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Are energy standards promoting gas over electricity?

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Why we can’t just blame rising inequality for the growth of populism around the world

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Nigeria's transformation to a post-oil future is complete

As Nigeria’s new administration puts together an economic team to think through priorities for the next four years, one larger problem looms in the background. Policies to tackle the multiple challenges with growth, inflation, public finances, currency and trade will only matter if they are understood as planks in a strategy of tackling a much broader issue: Nigeria is no longer an oil state.

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The robot revolution is here. Prepare for workers to revolt

In June, thousands of dockworkers marched at the Port of Los Angeles against the coming introduction of robotic machines threatening their jobs. And they are not alone in fearing automation.

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Achieving Paris Agreement goals: How the private sector is engaging

The first day of the Global NDC (Nationally Determined Contribution) Conference ended in Berlin with a powerful thunderstorm cooling an unseasonally hot day (33°C). It’s far worse in Delhi where it hit a record-breaking 48°C on 12th June. At the conference the message is clear that action on climate change has to happen now and not in the future.

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I Am a Carbon Abolitionist

The future of our species and planet depends on creating a mass social movement motivated by moral arguments, not statistics.

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Funding applications open for technological solutions to major global challenges

The Oxford Martin School has opened its latest round of research funding, inviting expressions of interest for research into technologies that create solutions for the major challenges of the 21st century.

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Urgent action needed to address stagnating productivity, says report

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Making economics forecasting accessible

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‘Economic butterfly wings can create a climate action tornado’

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Trading the benefits that the environment provides: an 'eBay for ecosystem services'

Researchers are seeking feedback on a new online marketplace for 'ecosystem services' - the benefits that humans gain from the natural environment.

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