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Filtered Results (75)

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Conservation Biology

Audience research as a cornerstone of demand management interventions for illegal wildlife products: Demarketing sea turtle meat and eggs

Nature Sustainability

Building sustainability into the Belt and Road Initiative’s Traditional Chinese Medicine trade

Science direct logo

Pangolins in global camera trap data: Implications for ecological monitoring

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Evaluating the application of scale frequency to estimate the size of pangolin scale seizures

Conservation Biology

Quantifying the trade in wild-collected ornamental orchids in South China: Diversity, volume and value gradients underscore the primacy of supply

Wildlife law and policy logo

Investigating the Influence of Non-state Actors on Amendments to the CITES Appendices


Saiga horn user characteristics, motivations, and purchasing behaviour in Singapore

Adobe Stock 257198322 rhino

Horizon scanning for illegal wildlife trade: a strategic approach to inform future CITES policy decisions

Illegal Wildlife Trade: Scale, Processes, and Governance


Did the movie Finding Dory increase demand for blue tang fish?

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Belt and Road Initiative may create new supplies for illegal wildlife trade in large carnivores

Illegal Wildlife Trade: Scale, Processes, and Governance

Global Ecology Conservation

Evaluating the feasibility of pangolin farming and its potential conservation impact

Plants People Planet colour RGB

Illegal wildlife trade and the persistence of “plant blindness”


Born captive: A survey of the lion breeding, keeping and hunting industries in South Africa