Future Identities; age profiles

22 January 2013

Foresight Report, Government Office for Science

www.foresight.gov.uk URN 13/515 Author: Professor Sarah Harper

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UK demographic change over the coming decade will continue, marked by a rise in the percentage of older people, a fall in percentage of children, and an increase in the median age of the UK population. This changing age composition, or demographic ageing, of the UK population is being driven by falling fertility and increasing late life longevity. It has long been recognised that population ageing has implications for the society, economy and polity of the UK (Harper, 2006). It is impacting upon the labour market, saving and consumption, families and households, networks and social interaction, health and welfare services, housing and transport, leisure and community behaviour. In addition, the knowledge of both longer lives and the ageing of the population is influencing not only social and economic policy and political decisions, but also the attitudes and behaviours of individuals (Harper, 2004).