
Filtered Results (36)

Filtered by: Programme: Food x Reset Filters

Book talk: 'Not the end of the world: how we can be the first generation to build a sustainable planet' with Hannah Ritchie & Charles Godfray

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'The Cattle-Grain-Beef Complex: Maize, feedlots, and British breeds in the rise of the modern food system' with Dr Nathan Sayre

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Panel discussion: 'Sustainable food: creating a food system for healthy people and planet'

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Panel Discussion 'Adaptation limits and prospects for people and ecosystems: findings from the IPCC (WGII) report’

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Panel Discussion: "Fleshing out a future COP"

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Meat Your Persona: the National Tour

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The Economist - Sustainable me: The beef with beef

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Prof Susan Jebb and Prof Sir Charles Godfray in conversation: "Rethinking diet, weight and health policy in and after the COVID-19 pandemic"

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"Plant genetics from Mendel to Monsanto" with Dame Ottoline Leyser

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"Diet, obesity and health: from science to policy" with Prof Susan Jebb

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"Linking people, nature, food and climate: progress and implications" with Dr David Nabarro

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"Sustainability scenarios for the global food and land-use system" with Dr Michael Obersteiner

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"City region food systems: potential for impacting planetary boundaries and food security" with Dr Mike Hamm

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Employing digital cartography to address food poverty

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Sustainably feeding a planet of 11 billion

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