
Presentations and Seminars

A wide range of presentations, seminars and lectures from across the Oxford Martin School.

The Future of Plastics: How do we move to a new plastics economy? Webinar

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"A world without work: technology, automation and how we should respond" with Daniel Susskind

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"From pollution to solution: will China save the planet?" with Barbara Finamore

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"From global to local - the relationship between global climate and regional warming" with Prof David Battisti

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"Africa in transformation: economic development in the age of doubt" with Prof Carlos Lopes

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"Enlightenment now" with Steven Pinker and Prof Ian Goldin

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"The ethics of vaccination: individual, collective, and institutional responsibilities" With Dr Alberto Giubilini

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"Global maps of the spread of infectious diseases and their vectors" with Dr Moritz Kraemer

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"Chilling prospects: how to provide cooling for all without blowing the world’s carbon budget" with Dan Hamza-Goodacre

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"The Globotics Upheaval: Globalization, Robotics, and the Future of Work" with Prof Richard Baldwin

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"Why do we spend so little on preventing ill-health and so much on treating it?" with Prof Chris Dye

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"Cumulative emissions of carbon - a path to halting climate change?" with Dr Joeri Rogelj

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Leapfrogging urban development: navigating resource competition and low carbon transitions

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'Why do we need a European Open Science Cloud?'

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"How useful and reliable is a simplified perspective on Technological Change?" Prof Chris Magee

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