The Future of Humanity Institute
The Future of Humanity Institute was established in 2005 with funding from the Oxford Martin School (then known as the James Martin 21st Century School). While direct funding from the School ended in 2012 new donors continue to support its work.
the project
Since its establishment, the Institute has grown into a world-renowned interdisciplinary centre of research on long term and big picture questions for humanity.
The last few centuries have seen tremendous change, and this century might transform the human condition in even more fundamental ways.
Using the tools of mathematics, philosophy, and science, researchers explore the risks and opportunities that will arise from technological change, weigh ethical dilemmas, and evaluate global priorities. The Institute's goal is to clarify the choices that will shape humanity’s long-term future.
"‘We’ve never had it so good’ – how does the world today compare to 1957?" - Panel Discussion
"Superintelligence: paths, dangers, strategies" with Prof Nick Bostrom
Panel debate: Is the Planet Full?
"Artificial intelligence: examining the interface between brain and machine" with Dr Anders Sandberg
"Radical abundance: how a revolution in nanotechnology will change civilization" by Dr Eric Drexler
A Future of Radical Abundance: Transforming the Material Basis of Civilization
A little talk about the future
Oxford Literary Festival 2013: Science and the Future part 2
"Overpopulation or underpopulation?" by Toby Ord
Navigating our global future
The World in 2050
21st Century Challenges: Humanity at the Crossroads
The future of humanity
Target Earth
Understanding the future of humanity
Genomics – From humans to the environment
A general, synthetic model for predicting biodiversity gradients from environmental geometry
The Unilateralist’s Curse and the Case for a Principle of Conformity
Systemic Risk of Modelling in Insurance: Did your model tell you all models are wrong?
The Biosphere Code Manifesto
Research priorities for robust and beneficial artificial intelligence
Hail Mary, Value Porosity, and Utility Diversification
Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies
Is the planet full?
Constructor theory
The Unilateralist’s Curse: The Case for a Principle of Conformity
A case for the neuroenhancement of human relationships
Anthropic Bias: Observation Selection Effects in Science and Philosophy
Probing the Improbable
The Simulation Argument: some explanations
Cognitive Enhancement: Methods, Ethics, Regulatory Challenges
Global Catastrophic Risks
Converging Cognitive Enhancements
In Defense of Posthuman Dignity
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