
Net Zero Regulation and Policy

Net Zero Regulation and Policy directors join UN taskforce

The Taskforce on Net Zero Policy, an initiative with the aim of furthering the work of the UN Secretary General’s High Level Expert Group (HLEG) on the Net-Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities, has today announced the constituents of its Board of Trustees and its Taskforce Expert Group (TEG).

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Pro-bono legal expert sought to drive Net Zero Policy Monitor’s global impact

The Oxford Martin Programme on Net Zero Regulation and Policy is continuing its efforts to build legal and regulatory ground rules for a net zero-aligned global economy by sourcing expert pro-bono support.

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Enforce net zero with global ‘ground rules,’ say Oxford academics

Academics at the Oxford Martin Programme on Net Zero Regulation and Policy have called for rigorous net zero ‘ground rules’ – encompassing laws, regulation and policy – to be implemented and enforced across the world, in an article published in Nature Climate Change.

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Oxford researchers launch updated carbon offsetting principles

An interdisciplinary team of Oxford University researchers - including those affiliated to the Oxford Martin School - have today released an update to flagship guidance on credible and net zero aligned carbon offsetting used by hundreds of organisations since its publication in 2020.

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Work starts on the Net Zero Regulation and Policy Hub

Researchers across Oxford and partners around the world are coming together to build a centre of expertise dedicated to studying and supporting the urgent task of aligning policy and regulation to climate objectives.

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Investors “flying blind” to risk of climate lawsuits

Polluting companies could be liable for trillions in damages from climate lawsuits. But few investors and regulators are taking these risks into account when evaluating companies’ climate-related financial risks, according to new Oxford research published today in Science with the involvement of Oxford Martin fellows.

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Turning COP’s promises into progress and the rise of climate regulation

COP28’s outcome is meaningful. For the first time in three decades (since the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change was founded, and the year I was born) oil and gas has been included in an agreed text. The final text includes a pile of compromises that may cause issues down the road, but this moment still represents an historic signal about ‘the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel era’.

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Excessive state reliance on carbon dioxide removal is ‘likely inconsistent with international law,’ says Oxford research

In the run-up to COP28, new research from a team at the University of Oxford and Imperial College London warns that states which over-rely on future Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) to meet Paris Agreement targets could fall foul of international law.

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New programmes to focus on challenges of Net Zero, AI and critical metals

The Oxford Martin School has launched three new research programmes focussed on solving a diverse set of critical challenges: sourcing the critical metals needed for the energy transition, achieving global Net Zero, and managing the risks of Artificial Intelligence.