

“No more harm to nature”: citizens’ assembly calls for urgent change

The first ever UK-wide citizens’ assembly for nature has today published its recommendations for renewing and protecting our natural environment, calling for urgent and immediate action from every part of society.

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Oxford Martin School project leads to £8.7m UKRI investment in energy demand observatory

The new Energy Demand Observatory and Laboratory (EDOL) will scale the use of household energy data to understand how, why, and when domestic activity is impacting energy demand and associated carbon emissions.

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Operation Pangolin launches to save world’s most trafficked wild mammal

Researchers and conservationists are embarking on a bold initiative to save the world’s most trafficked wild mammal — the pangolin.

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Organisations must set bold targets for their catering in order to become “nature-positive”

Organisations making their catering more sustainable can make genuine positive contributions, though it will take extremely ambitious action to come close to fully mitigating biodiversity loss.

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RE:TV Report - Reconsidering Renewables

Professor Doyne Farmer and Professor Cameron Hepburn talk to RE:TV about how new research is challenging assumptions around the cost of investing in clean energy.

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Towards a sustainable plastic future: outreach and discussion

The Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Plastics recently hosted a public panel discussion with experts from chemistry, environment, and law, on the challenges and opportunities in deploying future strategies for tackling the plastic waste problem.

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COP 27: a tipping point in the global energy debate

University of Oxford and Harvard academics, politicians and energy industry players have come together to emphasise COP 27’s transformative power as the conversation about renewable energy changes.

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Funding applications open for innovations to overcome major contemporary challenges

The Oxford Martin School has opened its latest round of funding, inviting Expressions of Interest for research to develop state-of-the-art innovations to overcome global challenges or to drive their deployment and adoption.

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Decarbonising the energy system by 2050 could save trillions

Transitioning to a decarbonised energy system by around 2050 is expected to save the world at least $12 trillion compared to continuing our current levels of fossil fuel use.

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Researchers honoured with Royal Society Awards

Professor Charlotte Williams OBE FRS and Professor Raymond Pierrehumbert FRS have both received prestigious medals from the Royal Society in recognition of their outstanding contributions to science.

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Setting the record straight on the impacts of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD)

The Nile River basin has been embroiled in controversy over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) ever since the late Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi announced in March 2011 that Ethiopia would build the largest hydroelectric power dam in Africa on the Blue Nile immediately upstream of the Ethiopian-Sudanese border.

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Some companies not on pathway to reach net zero by 2050 despite industry pledges

Researchers from the University of Oxford, the University of Queensland and Princeton University, have developed a new model for businesses to measure their progress to meet the Paris Agreement, discovering that some companies are not on track to meet net zero by 2050 despite public statements and climate commitments.

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