

Team behind SARS-CoV-2 naming system formalised as the Pango Network

Researchers at the Universities of Oxford and Edinburgh have announced the formalisation of the Pango Network, an international team of experts to oversee the identification and naming of different lineages of SARS-CoV-2 virus.

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Many more people could benefit from blood pressure lowering medication

The Lancet has published new research showing that blood pressure-lowering medication can prevent serious cardiovascular conditions such as strokes, heart failure and heart attacks even in adults with normal blood pressure.

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COVID-19 elimination, not mitigation, creates best outcome for health, economy, and civil liberties

Countries that aimed for COVID-19 elimination registered fewer deaths, better economic performance, and less restrictions and lockdowns, shows a paper published today in The Lancet.

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Four new initiatives launched to support ‘Building Back Better’ from COVID-19

The Oxford Martin School has launched four new solutions-focused research initiatives, designed to make an immediate difference in helping the world ‘build back better’ from the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Meta-analysis shows no link between blood pressure medications and cancer risk

A meta-analysis involving over 260,000 participants from 33 randomised controlled trials has sought to resolve the long-debated issue about whether using antihypertensive medication heightens the chance of developing cancer.

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Research consortium including Oxford University and announce new platform to track COVID-19 data, the charitable arm of Google, the University of Oxford and other leading institutions including Boston Children’s Hospital and Northeastern University, today launched

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Banning wild meat could increase biodiversity loss, reveals study

A blanket ban on the trade of wild meat could create risks for nature and for human health, finds a first of its kind study from an international group of researchers.

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‘Building Back Better’ addressed at public online events

From Thursday 21st January, the Oxford Martin School will restart its series of events discussing how the world can ‘Build Back Better’ from the COVID-19 pandemic.

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COVID-19 transmission chains in the UK traced through time and space

A team of scientists, led by researchers from the Universities of Oxford and Edinburgh, has analysed the first wave of the Covid-19 outbreak in the UK and produced the most fine-scaled and comprehensive genomic analysis of transmission of any epidemic to date.

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'No country – whether rich or poor – is immune from the health impacts of worsening climate change' - report

The authors of a new report say that unless urgent action is taken, climate change will increasingly threaten global health, disrupt lives and livelihoods, and overwhelm healthcare systems.

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The need for open data sharing in the era of global pandemics

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Alice in Typhoidland wins Gold Medal for learning game

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