

Vegetarian and pescetarian diets linked to lower risk of coronary heart disease, says study

Vegetarian (including vegan) and pescetarian diets may be linked to a lower risk of coronary heart disease, or CHD for short, than diets that include meat, suggest the findings of a large UK study published in The BMJ today.

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'Game On' to Kick Ambitious Goals for Agriculture, Energy, Water & Climate Change

Despite threats posed by global warming and other environmental challenges, an esteemed international expert on food security sees grounds for hope in the efforts to meet elusive goals around agriculture, energy, water and climate change.

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Food security in focus in the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land

Land is under threat from rising global temperatures and unprecedented rates of land and freshwater exploitation the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns.

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Eight ways to halt a global food crisis

There are serious challenges to global food supply everywhere we look.

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Meet your ‘Meat Persona’ at Oxford's Westgate centre

Livestock, Environment and People (LEAP) researchers will be at Oxford’s Westgate Shopping Centre from Monday 24th to Sunday 30th June and they want you to 'Meat Your Persona'.

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Changing what we eat could prevent one in five deaths globally, review of dietary risks shows

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Lab-grown meat’s promise for cutting climate warming depends on an energy revolution

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The World Economic Forum and future-proofing global food systems

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New scientific targets bring together healthy diets with a healthy planet

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Alternative proteins can cut deaths by 5% and food-related greenhouse gas emissions by 25%

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Shifting global attitudes to food discussed at inaugural conference

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Meat tax: why taxing bacon could save thousands of lives every year

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