
Future of Work

Oxford Martin skills report shapes Polish youth school

In 2016, the Oxford Martin School collaborated with learning company Pearson and innovation foundation Nesta to provide a report offering new insights and evidence about the skills and competencies that would be required for businesses, governments, and education experts in 2030.

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Remote collaborations deliver fewer scientific breakthroughs, says Oxford Martin research

Remote teams are less likely to make breakthrough discoveries compared to those who work onsite, according to research led by the universities of Oxford and Pittsburgh into the rise of remote collaborations among scientists and inventors across the world.

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Jobs will be automated, but not because of the latest Generative AI

Everyone is worried about Artificial Intelligence. From writers in Hollywood to computer programmers, recent advances in technology are causing concern about what Generative AI is going to mean for the future of work, our society and the wider world. Is there nothing machines will not be able to do?

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Generative AI can potentially disrupt labour markets, say Oxford experts 10 years after ground-breaking study

Ten years ago, two experts in AI from the Oxford Martin School predicted that almost half of jobs were at risk of automation. In a new upcoming study, Professors Carl-Benedikt Frey and Michael A Osborne now say that while Generative AI has increased the scope of automation further, it will also make many jobs easier to do for people with lower skills.

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Autocratic regimes less effective than democracies in responding to COVID-19

Their analysis shows that on average, social capital is approximately 30% higher in democratic societies.

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Is the robot revolution compatible with maintaining workers livelihoods in the UK?

Robotic technology has revolutionised production and manufacturing sectors in industrialised nations, shaping the modern world over the last three decades.

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Long-distance collaboration makes scientific breakthroughs more likely, suggests Oxford University research

In an analysis of data for over ten million research teams, across eleven academic fields from 1961 to 2020, a new working paper from the Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Work has determined that over the past decade remote collaboration between academic teams has led to more scientific breakthroughs.

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Cities could be MORE important post-pandemic, not less

Paradoxically, more in-person work environments and the concentration of jobs in cities could be a medium- to long-term impact of the pandemic’s shift to remote working, suggests Citi GPS Technology at Work v6.0: The Coming of the Post-Production Society.

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New report shows that COVID-19 has accelerated the shift to remote working

The fifth edition in the Citi GPS Technology at Work series, A New World of Remote Work, looks at how COVID 19 fast-forwarded existing trends and quantifies the possible impact of these trends on the future of work.

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German Federal Minister of Finance explores job automation and innovation with Future of Work programme

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The robot revolution is here. Prepare for workers to revolt

In June, thousands of dockworkers marched at the Port of Los Angeles against the coming introduction of robotic machines threatening their jobs. And they are not alone in fearing automation.

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Researchers to tackle ‘Technequality’ challenges as part of Horizon 2020 consortium

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Are drivers Uber-happy? Study investigates wellbeing in the 'gig economy'

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