
Global Epilepsy researchers to address worldwide challenges through dedicated centre

The University of Oxford is launching The Centre for Global Epilepsy - run by researchers from the Oxford Martin Programme on Global Epilepsy - to address the global burden of the condition, particularly in lower-income countries.

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From poverty to prosperity: How scaling ultra-poor graduation programmes drive sustainable change

With around 700 million people globally living on less than $2 per day, there is an urgent international agenda to eliminate extreme poverty. The Ultra-Poor Graduation (UPG) approach, first launched by the international development organisation BRAC in the early 2000s, has emerged as a powerful and proven strategy to address this issue.

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Net Zero Regulation and Policy directors join UN taskforce

The Taskforce on Net Zero Policy, an initiative with the aim of furthering the work of the UN Secretary General’s High Level Expert Group (HLEG) on the Net-Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities, has today announced the constituents of its Board of Trustees and its Taskforce Expert Group (TEG).

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Importance of AI international reporting regimes highlighted at key summits

May was a busy month for the Oxford Martin AI Governance Initiative, with programme director Professor Robert Trager playing key roles at two leading AI summits in South Korea and Switzerland.

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Pro-bono legal expert sought to drive Net Zero Policy Monitor’s global impact

The Oxford Martin Programme on Net Zero Regulation and Policy is continuing its efforts to build legal and regulatory ground rules for a net zero-aligned global economy by sourcing expert pro-bono support.

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CHAITok: Empowering children's data autonomy in the age of AI

In the second of this two-part series exploring two innovations from the Oxford Martin Programme on Ethical Web and Data Architectures offering greater data autonomy for parents and children, we take a look at an app that aims to empower children with greater control over their data on social media.

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Exploring the KOALA Hero Toolkit: An innovative approach to digital parenting

This is the first of a two-part series exploring two innovations from the Oxford Martin Programme on Ethical Web and Data Architectures offering greater data autonomy for parents and children. This blog examines a toolkit to help parents better understand how their children’s data might be used in a digital age.

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British Academy Global Professor to research food systems at Oxford Martin School

Professor Paul Behrens will join the Oxford Martin School in September after being awarded a British Academy Global Professorship, working on rapid food system transformations in a rapidly changing world.

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New algorithm supercharges climate models and could lead to better predictions of future climate change

Professor Samar Khatiwala, from the University of Oxford’s Department of Earth Sciences, has led a major advance to solve a critical issue in modelling future climate change. The findings have been published in Science Advances.

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Alok Sharma joins the Oxford Martin School as a Visiting Fellow

The Rt Hon Sir Alok Sharma KCMG has joined the Oxford Martin School as a Visiting Fellow.

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Last LEAP Conference highlights importance of food research communities

The Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Food recently celebrated the last Wellcome-funded LEAP conference. The conference showcased novel research findings, examining the relationship between livestock, the environment and people; and brought together a strong community of researchers in these fields.

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Enforce net zero with global ‘ground rules,’ say Oxford academics

Academics at the Oxford Martin Programme on Net Zero Regulation and Policy have called for rigorous net zero ‘ground rules’ – encompassing laws, regulation and policy – to be implemented and enforced across the world, in an article published in Nature Climate Change.

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Regional roles in global shocks explored in workshop

The Oxford Martin Programme on Changing Global Orders recently held a workshop on the role regional bodies play in managing shocks to the international system (e.g. the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East or the effects of the global pandemic) in collaboration with the United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies.

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